Proverbe chinois

Si nous avons chacun un objet et nous nous les échangeons, nous avons chacun un objet. Par contre, si nous avons chacun une idée et que nous nous les échangeons, nous avons chacun deux idées.

lundi 12 octobre 2009

Citation II

"Human purposes are pursued within an immense circling universe which does not seem to me to have purpose, in our sense, at all. Nature is much more playful than purposeful, and the probability that it has no special goals for the future need not to strike one as a defect. On the contrary, the processes of nature [...] are much more like art than like business, politics or religion. [...] No one imagines that a symphony is supposed to improve in quality as it goes along, or that the whole object of playing it is to reach the finale. The point of music is discovered in every moment of playing and listening to it." (Alan Watts, This is it, p. 32-33)

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Diaporama du projet Limites de la rationalité